هذه الكلمات باللغة الإنجليزية تأخذ دائماً فعل مفرد وكلمات باللغة الإنجليزية تأخذ دائماً فعل جمع

1- The following nouns are always singular and take singular verb :-

الكلمات التالية دائماً مفردة وتأخذ فعل مفرد :-

- news اخبار - furniture اثاث - information معلومات  - dirt اوساخ - luggage امتعة - advice نصيحة  - character اخلاق  - brains ذكاء - machinery مكائن.

Examples :-

أمثلة :-

1- The news I heard was good.

2- There is a lot of furniture in the house.

3- All the information is false.

4- There is much dirt on the floor.

5- Where is our luggage?

6- Brains is what you need.

7- The machinery was imported from England.

2- The following nouns are always plural and take plural verb :-

الكلمات التالية دائماً جمع وتأخذ فعل في حالة الجمع :-

- scissors - trousers بنطلون - goods بضاعة - people ناس  - police شرطة  - cattle  ماشية - spectacles (glasses) نظارات - shoes أحذية.

Examples :-

أمثلة :-

Many people lives in this building.

The police are coming soon.

The trousers are new.

Where are the scissors?

These shoes are mine.

Your spectacles are here.

تنبيـــه :-

عند استعمال كلمة a pair مع trousers , scissors , shoes, spectacles يكون الفعل مفردا.

مثال :-

a pair of trousers is , a pair of scissors has , a pair of shoes was ..

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نموذج الاتصال
