النفي في اللغة الإنجليزية / كيف تحول الجملة المثبتة إلى منفية؟ How to change an affirmative sentence into the negative?

النموذج الأول :-

Maha is at home.

Maha is not at home.

To change an affirmative sentence into the negative , put " not " after the helping verb.

اذا احتوت الجملة على احد الأفعال المساعدة التالية ضع not بعد الفعل المساعد مباشرة لتصبح الجملة منفية :

am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, ought.

ملاحظــة : تستعمل المختصرات التالية عند التكلم :

is not isn't, was not wasn't, are not aren't,

were not weren't, had not hadn't, have not haven't, has not hasn't, must not mustn't, ought not oughtn't,will not won't,shall not shan't,can not can't.

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النموذج الثاني :

They live in Bahrain.

They do not live in Bahrain.

If the verb is plural in the present, put " do not " before it.

اذا كانت الجملة خالية من الفعل المساعد وكان الفعل مضارعا جمعا ضع قبله do not )وعند التكلم استعمل don't) ولا تغير الفعل .

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النموذج الثالث :

Huda speaks English well.

Huda does not speak English well.

If the verb ends in "s" for the third person singular, put " does not " before it and omit the "s".

اذا كان الفعل ينتهي ب s للشخص الثالث ضع قبله does not (وعند التكلم استعمل doesn't) واحذف الـ s.

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النموذج الرابع :

1- I watched television last night.

I did not watch television last night.

2- He wrote me a leetter.

He did not write me a letter.

If the verb is in the past, put " did not" before it and change it into the present.

اذا كان الفعل ماضيا ضع قبله did not وحول الفعل الماضي الى المضارع.

ملاحظـــة :

1- There are some oranges on the tree.

There are not any oranges on the tree.

- We need some sugar.

We do not need any sugar.

عند وجود some حولها الى any عند النفي.

2- I have got a lot of stamps.

I have not got many stamps.

- He has got a lot of money on him.

He has not got much money on him.

- There is plenty of milk in the bottle.

There is not much milk in the bottle.

عند وجود a lot of او plenty of حولها عند النفي الى many اذا تبعها اسم يُعد وحولها الى much اذا تبعها اسم لا يُعد.

3- Sit down here.

Don' t sit down here.

Put "dont" before the verb in the imperative  to form the negative.

عند وجود فعل أمر ضع قبله Don't عند النفي.

4- I have my breakfast at six every morning.

I don not have my breakfast at six every morning.

- He has much difficulty in getting to school in time.

He does not have much difficulty in getting to school in time.

- I had a letter from him yesterday.

I did not have a letter from him yesterday.

"Have,has," or "had" may be a main verb in some sentences. In this case it means "experience,receive," or "take" . Therefore we use "do" in the negative.

تستعمل have,has,had كأفعال رئيسية ويكون معناها حسب الجملة مثل يأكل ,يشرب, يستلم, يتمتع... وفي هذه الحالة ضع قبلها عند النفي did not , does not, do not, حسب الفعل.

5- You have to do it now.

You don not have to do it now

- She has to leave early.

She does not have to leave early.

- I had to go to the party.

I did not have to go to the party.

When " have, has," or " had" is followed by "to," it means necessity. In this case we may use "do" or not use it.

عند وجود had to, has to , have to تعني يجب وفي النفي نستعمل did not, does not, do not  أو لا نستعملها.

6- They do their work carefully.

They do not do their work carefully.

- He does his best to help others.

He does not do his best to help others.

- She did her duty well.

She did not do her duty well.

"Do,does," or "did" may nbe a main verb. It takes "do" as a helping verb in the negative.

عندوجود did, does,do لوحدها في الجملة تعتبر أفعالا رئيسية (ومعناها يعمل) وفي النفي ضع قبلها did not, does not, don not حسب الفعل.

ارجو ان تكونوا استفدتم من هذا الموضوع ولــكـــم جزيـــل الشـــكر..

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نموذج الاتصال
